Ceres: Celestial Legend, Vol. 2: Yuhi

Ceres: Celestial Legend, Vol. 2: Yuhi - Yuu Watase In this volume, we learn more about Aya's superpowered alternate personality, who seems quite sweet when she's not pursuing the murderous revenge she's hellbent at achieving. Aya and her brother briefly reunite, but fate (and Ceres, for that matter) refuse to give either twin more than a moment of solace before violence tears them apart once again. The scientific side of the Mikage corporation makes its first appearance, who seem determined to throw in as many twists as there are pages into the plot.

What people remember most about this volume is, unfortunately, the romance. Aya and Toya barely know one another, and they're already moving their relationship along quickly. Toya still isn't given a real reason for liking Aya outside of vague desire, but Aya doesn't see anything fishy about this. While their moments together are (thankfully) short and sweet, it still feels strange that a girl who just lost both of her parents and hasn't dated before would so readily jump into the arms of a man like Toya. But, hey, at least he's handsome?

Oddly, the early books seem to be setting up Yuhi as a love interest for Ceres, making their interactions a bit of early installment weirdness. It does give Ceres some well-needed softer moments, though, so I can hardly complain. Yuhi has been little more than comic relief for most of the story thus far, so it's nice to see someone taking him seriously as well. Even if the relationship is essentially dropped after this and the next book, it adds enough to the characters that I don't mind its presence.

Of course, most of book is actually spent establishing that Aya's old way of life is over, whether she likes it or not. After disastrous encounters with her mother and brother, Aya is reasonably angry and upset-- and more importantly, determined to never unleashed Ceres if she can help it. That proves to be futile, but Watase handles the problem expertly by using Ceres' uncontrollable rage as the catalyst for the transformation. It's hard not to see both sides of the issue, as both characters justifiably want their old lives back. People just seem determined to remember all the kissing instead of character development, I guess.

All in all, CERES CELESTRIAL LEGEND: YUHI is a strong continuation of the suspenseful story establish in the first volume. While weak in the romantic department, it's not bad enough to derail the true focus of the story. Some of the mysteries behind Ceres may be solved, but the struggle is far from over-- just as it should be.